Feb 5, 2009

the Absurdity behind individuality.

This what i want to know, plain and simple...i think its ridiculous how mad "individuals" become when they realize they arent the only ones in this game called life. Okay ! Wow so everyone in the recent years has jump on the creativity boat...BIG DEAL, it doesnt matter. i keeping "oh everyone wants to be a rapper/photographer/model/fashionista/blah blah ya mother blah blah blah. The point is it shouldnt matter. pop culture glorifies creativity and individualism beyond belief. It shouldnt be a surprise that everyone is into it and moreso it shouldnt bother anyone. speaking from a personal perspective, an aspiring photographer point of view, it doesnt even faze me. So now theres a bunch of people flashing DSLR, with a creative eye and some good lighting. There could be a million greater photographers, THERE ARE A MILLION GREAT PHOTOGRAPHERS, thats not going to disenfranchise my art or stop me from embleshing my creative side.
if you're going to be a trendsetter, then expect to be duplicated, copied, followed because thats essentially what you are asking for. Thats like asking to be a leader without a group of follows, it doesnt make sense. life is a paradox. it a group of humanbeing trying to be individuals TOGETHER. its never going to happen. no one is absolute or constraint to the persona the imitate. i kind of like the fact that this generation is shifting to a creative side, exemplifing beauty like never before. with me its not about STANDING OUT moreso it is STANDING UP.
i STAND UP for creativity
for cultural progress
for authenticity, being true to oneself
thats all i can do.
consider it being a cultural elitist. :]

Feb 1, 2009

I've come to the conclusion

that i love mexican food. viva la chicano